Welcome to the Furgal Materials Workshop
Organic photochemicals combined with silicon based materials such as silicones and silsesquioxanes give hybrid materials with properties not available in either category on its own. Higher thermal and oxidative stability is achieved from the addition of silicon to organics and access to the large pool of functional groups and reactivities in organic systems lacking in silicon based chemistries. Our research builds on fluoride catalyzed silicon bond rearrangements and light driven dynamic covalent chemistries to develop new materials with uses from health care to space exploration

Our Materials Interests Include
Polymer Photochemistry/Physics // Hybrid Polymers/Oligomers // Silicon Containing Materials // Dynamic Covalent Chemistry // Self Healing Hybrid Materials // Molecular Separations // High Surface Area Hybrids // 3D Printing of Siloxanes // Sequenced Polymers