Group Additions/Departures
Mehdi Erfani Jazi, Kyle Hallowell Join as PhD students in 2022 Buddhima Rupasinghe, Nai-hsuan Hu, and Shahrea Mahbub finish their PhD's...
Asparshika Shruti Joins Group
Fall 2021
Post Doc Chamika Lenora Starts New Position at Nth Degree Technologies
She will be missed!

Check out our first research article in Materials Chemistry Frontiers!divAbstract
Cory Sims Joins Research Group
Welcome Cory!
Herenia and Mahmud join the lab!
New Undergraduate
Matthew Waldick joins the lab to work on photohealable and sulfur containing materials
Rotation Students
Mahmud Rashed, Sruthy Baburaj and Herenia Espitia Armenta join the lab for their first rotation.